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Integrating metaphysics into psychedelic therapy, establishing a psilocybin microdosing regimen, the risk of chronic psychedelic and MDMA microdosing for valvular heart disease.
Improved efficacy of DMT therapy with SSRIs, Transcend Therapeutics announces the receipt of a $1 million grant with Yale University, Canada approves the first legal medical psilocybin access.
FDA-approval of MDMA therapy on the horizon for 2024, Psilocybin use in naturalistic settings produces lasting results, Psychedelics supported mental health during COVID-19.
Classic psychedelics could help with chronic pain, Clearmind and Johns Hopkins collaborate on psychedelic research, Psychedelic healthcare in Australia held back by lack of safety and efficacy data.
Investors back psychedelic healthcare with US$285 million investment, The use of psychedelic medicines is at a record high, How consciousness may rely on brain cells acting collectively.
World-first study to explore psilocybin for gambling addiction, How psychedelic medicines impact brain oscillations, Psychedelic medicines in the treatment of alcoholism.
Join over 25,000 investors, academics and operators who receive the latest news on the psychedelic science and healthcare industry. Straight to your inbox once a week.
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